we create success stories!

A letter from our founder

My HeartBeat

Dear friends,

I am Jerry St. Pierre, Pesident of the St. Pierre Alliance.

I want to extend a very sincere thank you to the members of the St. Pierre Alliance for joining together to effect positive change in people's lives. The mission of the St. Pierre Alliance is to create success stories through promoting the advancement of all peoples to success and beyond. Today, we do this through providing scholarships and professional performance coaching to students rising from adversity.

I am who I am today, in large part, because other people helped me rise from adversity. Many people on my journey dismissed me and rejected me--work people, some (not all) church people, extended family, etc.

Yes, I lacked education and social skills. Yes, I was impoverished. Yes, I had my issues, but I still had potential. As I launched into adulthood, I had little foundation for success, but what I did have was a burning desire to create for myself a better life. Thankfully, my wife, who I married when we were 22 years old, believed in me and supported my life changing decision to enroll in college full-time.

At age 25, I enrolled for the first semester of my college journey. I was not sure how I would do because my high school core GPA was 1.2. On my high school transcripts, I counted over 13 classes that had a final grade of F. I went to a college prep high school. We sent graduates to medical schools, law schools, and military academies. Unfortunately, my home life, and history of skipping school since 4th grade, made it difficult for me to perform well. I was too far behind and lacked the skills needed for success.

Needless to say, the thought of college scared me, but I knew I needed an education. I had very little significant life skills, and it seemed like I was always behind everyone else in life. I needed to catch up. I needed a college education to ground me for future success! So, we went for it.

My wife was a stay-at-home mother caring for our newborn when I started classes. We had little resources and no family support. I worked hard to earn money and find scholarships on top of my full-time course load.

I had to support a family of three. I worked long, hard days painting houses. I jokingly said, “I’ll paint your grass green if you will pay me.” Funny? Yes! True? Absolutely!

I had a very clear vision. Graduate college debt free and still be happily married. I poured my mind, soul, and body into this vision. Along the way, people stepped in and helped. On one occasion when I was a junior in college, a gentleman, Mr. Bennett (a man I did not know), knocked on my apartment door on campus and gave me $1,000.00 for my college tuition. Man, did we need that money. The day prior, I prayed for God to help us find money. I was searching for ways to pay for the upcoming semester. I was stressed and concerned that I would not be able for afford it. That check helped close the gap for my tuition and living expenses. I continued school full-time.

I also had people take time to teach me about the path to success in life. Successful men chose to invest in me. My pastor met with me every Monday afternoon of my senior year of college to mentor me. I am forever thankful for his time and investment into my life.

Bottom line, for the first time in my life, I had the right mentors and resources on my side priming me for success! After all was said and done, I graduated my four-year degree program in 3.5 years as Valedictorian, happily married, and debt free!

I went on to get a master’s degree and joined the United States Air Force as an active duty Chaplain. I have not forgotten the impact people made on my life. I vowed to pay it forward some day.

That time has come. I want to personally extend a deep and sincere thank you to every member of the St. Pierre Alliance who are joining me in this vision. Together, we will advance people to success and beyond. Together, we create success stories.

I would also like to extend the challenge to anyone who believes in this vision to inquire about becoming a member of the St. Pierre Alliance.

What an honor!

~ Jerry St. Pierre, Founder